It’s Maple Time!

Hi everyone. My name’s Johan C. Holmen, and I’m a third-year BIT-program student, currently on exchange in Toronto, Canada. To make everything as multicultural and accessible as possible, I have been, and am, blogging in English.

At the moment, I’ve got few blog posts up on my own blog for exchange studies at , but I’ll also be cross-posting a few of those onto here. Right now, we’re nearing what the Ontario school system calls “Reading week”; think autumn leave, only you’re supposed to be catching up on your readings.

Attending five classes at once can be (to no surprise, I’m sure) quite stressful. It’s important to stay on top of your readings… while I may not exactly have done that, time will tell whether the Swedish school system prepares you well for studies in Ontario.

For now, I wish you well and hope you come back here to read my and my fellow Dept. of informatics students’ stories about the great life abroad; and be assured, it’s grand.
Until then, take care and maple on!


Johan C. Holmen